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Get to know Rhea

I live in Sutton-in-Ashfield and am standing to become the Labour MP for Ashfield.


I'm not someone who grew up always thinking I would be a politician: in fact I find politics frustrating at times.  But I've been a community campaigner for as long as I've had a political voice. I have realised one of the ways to change things for the better is to do something about it myself. And so, outside of my day job, I have campaigned for change at various levels for over 20 years. I want our government to truly represent its people. I want our public money to be invested in our society. I want everyone to have the opportunity to succeed. 

By day I work in legal and compliance for a major car manufacturer and over the years I've worked for a planning and regeneration company, a recruitment agency and an events company. My first ever job was working at Debenhams every Saturday. 

I studied at the University of Birmingham and went on to be elected leader of the union, representing the needs of 34,000 people as President of the Guild of Students at Birmingham University. I joined Labour students and after leaving University got heavily involved in my local party, and I’ve been a community activist ever since!

Until I joined the Labour Party, I never considered my actions political; I was just speaking up for my community and fixing the things that needed fixing - it all just seemed like common sense to me.

Since then, I've successfully fought many battles: I unionised my workplace; took industrial action against central government and won.  I've worked with local Labour members to lead the #SaveOurRumbles campaign and organised a GMB rally outside Ashfield District Council's offices in protest of their threat to evict Rumbles Café in Sutton-in-Ashfield. I've campaigned to protect community green spaces and our community centres in Ashfield too. 

I have been a school governor at a primary school and a governor of the University of Birmingham and continue to be Student Mentor.


I am a Co-op Party member, GMB member and member of Unite and in my spare time I volunteer at a local charity and FoodCycle in Sutton-in-Ashfield.  When I am not campaigning you can find me hiking in the peak district or spending time with my family. 


This government has deeply failed us. 


We face so many challenges right now, from the crippling cost of living, to the underfunding of our local schools and community organisations and growing crime rates in our towns and villages.

My pledge is to do better for Ashfield and represent the voices of this wonderful community of people.

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